
I’m so sorry America.




The bedtime tea I look forward to every night. One Celestial “Sleep” tea and one Bigelow “Peppermint” tea together with one spoonful of sugar and three splenda packets. Tastes sooo good and knocks me out…                                                          …it’s actually kind of a problem as I crave it during the day.

When it was rather cold last winter I craved a hot brew. Unfortunately, since I can’t have too much caffeine due to my heart problems and never liking a decaf cup of coffee, I decided to give tea a shot. It was pretty good… Wondered how a different flavor/brand would taste. Oh my. Lemon Ginger is tasty. Hmm… wonder what a bit of sugar and honey would do… lawd have mercy this is delightful.



What have I done.



I’ve really fallen in love with the ritual of preparing tea. Especially at night when I’m winding down for bed. Ever since I was a kid I struggled with insomnia. Like, it was really bad. I’d straight up not sleep some nights and end up pounding energy drinks to get through the day after…




It really is a mystery how my heart exploded…



The act of preparing my favorite cup of tea is extremely relaxing and the melatonin in the blend I drink seals the deal by knocking me out. It’s genuinely been a life changing habit. Wish I had this when I was a kid struggling to sleep due to stress over exams or whatever



I drew this comic… jebus 12 years ago. Was one of the first comics I ever had go viral lol. Got a WHOPPING 1300 upvotes on Reddit. Back in muh day that was a lot and would be on the front page for half a day. *shakes cane*




Anyhoo, since it’s so cheap I already have a dozen boxes of various flavors/brands of tea and I fear this disturbing trend has been escalating. I’ve already acquired an electric tea kettle and I’m curious about graduating from tea bags… I’m dangerously close to experimenting with obscure loose leaf teas and specialized kettles/teapots. My future is grim.

